Describes instrument channels. Default gives the same value for all instruments and for those that are not defined. If the value is quoted list, it is associated directly to the instrument name, otherwise the evaluated value is used. If no def-channel is performed, all notes go to channel 1.
piano 1 ; send at the beginning of a track
sax '((2) (3) (4 5)) ; send at the beginnig of a new zone
; 3rd zone has channel changes for each note
; and channels 4 and 5 repeat endlessly during
; this zone, then if there are more zones this
; whole pattern repeats
bass '((1 2 3) (4 5)) ; each zone has channels for each notes, etc.
The instrument can be a single instrument, or instrument group defined with def-orchestra. The properties are inherited to all sub-groups and instruments of the group.